Cat WS273 XD

Well Service Pumps

Om Cat WS273 XD


When your job needs a stimulation pump, we're ready. Our full line of well stimulation pumps are designed and manufactured by Caterpillar, in Caterpillar factories for single-source package confidence. WS273 XD well stimulation pumps are ideal for well stimulation applications using Cat 3512C (HD) engines and TH55 transmissions. Cat well stimulation pumps are backed by the worldwide network of Cat dealers ready to support your operation with technical support, service, parts, and warranty. Cat WS273 XD Well Stimulation Pump. Maximum power input: 2014 bkW (2700 bhp) @ 275 rpm.


Pump Specifications
Maximum Input 2700 BHP
Maximum RPM 275 r/min
Number of Plungers 3
Stroke - Length 10 in
Pump Weight 18000 lb
Gear Ratio 5.55:1



Benefits - Fluid Ends

Benefits - Fluid Ends
• Valve-over-valve design simplifies valve, seat, and plunger installation• Full line of 1502 discharge flanges – male, female, and blank• Log-style suction manifold• Grooveless valve stop; grooveless design eliminates stress risers present with a grooved valve stop design• Plungers with advanced surface technology• Premium plunger packing• Polypak seals for more reliable sealing at suction cover and discharge flanges• Fluid end components designed to maximize interchangeability across our fluid end line and with industry standard fluid ends

Benefits - Stainless Steel Options

Benefits - Stainless Steel Options
• All XD Geometric benefits• Improved corrosion resistance, particularly in recycled water applications• Improved resistance to stress corrosion cracking• Optimized autofrettage parameters specifically for stainless steel material

Benefits - Power Ends

Benefits - Power Ends
• Reverse helical pinion and bull gear design – great reliability• Fully welded structure with additional internal supports• Two-piece stay rod design – pretensioned stay rod lowers cyclic loading and fatigue stress• Nose plate-to-frame design includes a dovetail interlocking design, which increases the structural strength• Forged or fabricated bull gears – no cast material• Forged crankshaft – one piece



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